Balancing group managers

Balancing group managers


Trading Hub Europe GmbH was established on 1 June 2021 by the network companies bayernets GmbH, Fluxys TENP GmbH, GASCADE Gastransport GmbH, Gastransport Nord GmbH, Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbH, GRTgaz Deutschland GmbH, Nowega GmbH, ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH, Open Grid Europe GmbH, terranets bw GmbH and Thyssengas GmbH.

Since 1 October 2021, Trading Hub Europe is the market area manager for the entire German market area and operates the market area as provided by the Agreement on cooperation pursuant to Section 20 1b) EnWG between operators of gas supply networks located in Germany ("Cooperation Agreement").

Trading Hub Europe emerged from the merger of the two predecessor companies Gaspool Balancing Service GmbH and NetConnect Germany Gmbh & Co. KG. Until then, these two companies had each been active in the German gas market for more than ten years as market area managers.

In its capacity as market area manager, Trading Hub Europe 

  • concludes balancing group contracts with balancing group managers,
  • manages balancing groups, sub-balancing accounts and network accounts,
  • procures system balancing tools and balance the system,
  • shares data with network operators and balancing group managers,
  • operates a Virtual Trading Point for gas and
  • has been taking on legal tasks to ensure security of supply since 2022.

The high-pressure pipeline system in Trading Hub Europe’s nationwide market area has a total length of 40,000 km and connects more than 700 downstream networks.









bayernets GmbH efficiently transports gas through a gas transmission system with an approximate length of 1,660 kilometres and is one of the major transmission system operators in Germany. The company plays a central role in ensuring the long-term security of supply in its own network area. As a transmission system operator, bayernets GmbH actively contributes to optimising and developing the gas grid in Germany in line with demand. bayernets GmbH supports the implementation of the energy transition and thus participates in shaping the future of the energy system as a competent contact point.

Click here to visit the bayernets GmbH website.


Fluxys TENP GmbH's main business is to provide gas transmission services via the TENP pipeline system, which runs from Bocholtz on the Dutch border and Eynatten on the Belgian border to Wallbach on the Swiss border. Fluxys TENP GmbH grants shippers transparent and non-discriminatory access to its pipeline system and transportation services in line with market requirements.

Cleck here to visit the Fluxys TENP website. 


GASCADE has been planning, building and operating one of Germany's largest gas transmission networks for more than two decades. The system directly connects five European countries, providing secure energy supplies to Germany and Europe. The large quantities of energy require a lot of space. Pipelines up to 140 cm in diameter carry natural gas flexibly to over 100 exit points. The GASCADE pipeline system ships more than 100 billion m³ of natural gas every year, which corresponds to about a quarter of the natural gas consumption in the European Union. 

Click here to visit the GASCADE Gastransport GmbH website. 

GTG Nord

Gastransport Nord GmbH (GTG) was established in March 2012 as an independent transmission system operator of the EWE Group’s L-gas transmission network. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of EWE AG and are based in Oldenburg. With around 40 employees, we operate around 320 kilometres of L-gas pipelines in the Weser-Ems region in north-west Germany.

Click here to visit the Gastransport Nord GmbH website. 


As a leading gas infrastructure company with a pipeline network of some 15,500 kilometres in Northwest Europe, 4,300 kilometres of which are located in Germany, we focus our activities on delivering the European internal market for gas. Our goal is the secure supply of gas to industrial, commercial and residential customers in the Netherlands, northern Germany and the rest of Europe.

Click here to visit the Gasunie Deutschland Transport Service GmbH website. 

NaTran Deutschland GmbH

 As a MEGAL shareholder, NaTran Deutschland operates the pipeline system of the same name, which connects the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, and France. Serving as an indispensable link between Eastern and Western Europe, the NaTran Deutschland pipeline system plays a crucial role in supplying gas to southern Germany and neighboring France.


Nowega is a transmission system operator and service provider based in Münster. We operate and market around 1,500 kilometres of high-pressure gas pipelines – from the Dutch border across Lower Saxony and parts of NRW to the Wendland region. Our reliable and efficient operation of pipeline networks and plants makes an important contribution to security of supply and helps to shape the energy landscape of tomorrow. 

Click here to visit the Nowega GmbH website. 



As a gas transmission system operator, we are responsible for some 7,000 kilometres of high-pressure pipelines in eastern Germany. ONTRAS markets pipeline capacities and ensures that gas is shipped efficiently, safely and in an environmentally friendly manner. Our market partners, which include shippers, gas traders, regional network operators and connection users, also benefit from the wide range of customised network services offered by INFRACON, our service company.

Click here to visit the ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH website.


Open Grid Europe GmbH is one of Europe’s leading gas transmission system operators. With its state-of-the-art and highly efficient pipeline network spanning some 12,000 kilometres and a comprehensive range of services, Open Grid Europe offers a broad array of forward-looking gas transportation solutions. 

Click here to visit the OGE website. 

terranets bw

terranets bw is an independent transmission system operator for gas. With its approximately 2,750 km long high-pressure gas pipeline grid, terranets bw guarantees the non-discriminatory transmission of gas from Lower Saxony to Lake Constance. terranets bw provides its customers with a broad range of services related to gas transmission and telecommunication infrastructure. Approximately 300 employees work for the company in ten locations in Baden-Württemberg and Hessen, Germany.

Click here to visit the terranets bw GmbH website. 


Dortmund-based Thyssengas GmbH is an independent gas network operator and one of the leading German natural gas transmission companies. In its core market area of North Rhine-Westphalia, Thyssengas has seven branches and operates a gas transmission system spanning around 4,200 km.

Thyssengas is actively involved in shaping the market for transmission services and is constantly optimising its natural gas logistics. Each year our pipeline network supplies up to 100 billion kilowatt-hours of natural gas to distribution system operators, industrial customers and power stations – safely, securely and in an environmentally friendly manner.

Click here to visit the Thyssengas GmbH website.