Publication of Calculation Basis for Gas Storage Neutrality Charge

The Trading Hub Europe GmbH publishes the Calculation Basis Document for the Gas Storage Neutrality Charge.

To ensure security of supply, a combination of inventory requirements and market-based measures, such as the auctioning of strategic options, has been introduced. This was done through the Law on the Introduction of Inventory Requirements for Gas Storage Facilities (Part 3a in the Energy Industry Act - EnWG), which came into effect on April 30, 2022. It stipulates that the inventory requirements can be met either through measures according to Section 35c of the EnWG, such as the auctioning of strategic options, known as Strategic Storage-Based Options (SSBOs) for market-based filling of storage capacities (measures in "Stage 1" and "Stage 2"), or through the filling of unused storage capacities (measures in "Stage 3"). The Market Area Responsible Party (MARP) is designated for the implementation of measures in all stages.

The required inventory levels according to Section 35b (1) of the EnWG in conjunction with Section 1 (1) of the Gas Storage Inventory Regulation are as follows:

October 1st: 85%

November 1st: 95%

February 1st: 40%

The Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE) in its role as MARP has been assigned a new statutory task in contributing to supply security. The costs and revenues resulting from fulfilling this new statutory task are to be allocated to the Balance Group Responsible Parties (BGRPs) through the gas storage levy. The levy was first imposed as of October 1, 2022.

The concept of THE regarding the methodology of the gas storage levy was consulted with the market in June 2022 and subsequently approved by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) through the decision BK7-22-052 dated July 29, 2022.

The Gas Storage Act is valid until March 31, 2025. According to the press release by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) dated May 12, 2023, the ministry advocates for an extension of the Gas Storage Act by two years until March 31, 2027; work is already underway on a corresponding draft law. In light of this, an extension of the law was assumed in the calculation of the levy.

You can find the complete document at this link.