Changes of Prequalification Rules

THE is publishing the Prequalification Rules valid from October 16, 2023.

THE is informing in accordance with section 8 No. 1 sentence 1 of the Prequalification Rules for Participation in the Bilateral Balancing Market and Terms of Use for the Bidding Platform of Trading Hub Europe GmbH (hereinafter: "Prequalification Rules") about the changes to the prequalification rules, valid from 16 October 2023. The new Prequalification Rules you will find here

A new prequalification within the meaning of section 8 no. 1 S. 2 is not required.

On the one hand, the amendments concern a clarification of the communication link between THE and the balancing energy provider (section 4 no. 3 lit. c), point 4). It now clarifies that the balancing energy provider must only use the communication link already established within the framework of the existing balancing group contract.

On the other hand, the amendments concern the possibility of achieving the required "sufficient creditworthiness" within the meaning of section 4 no. 4 to be able to prove Prequalification Rules also by providing company collateral (section 4 no. 4 lit. c); section 6 No. 4 lit. b) and section 6 no. 9 of the new pre-qualification rules). Deviating from the requirement of a security deposit for already pre-qualified balancing energy providers in justified cases within the meaning of section 6 No. 1.2 Prequalification Rules, the security to prove sufficient creditworthiness must be provided in an unlimited amount.

According to section 8 no. 2 of the Prequalification Rules, we hereby request the already prequalified bidders to submit their consent to the amended Prequalification Rules within two (2) weeks. Consent can be given in writing, by e-mail or by telephone.

THE refers to the legal consequence of section 8 No. 3 S. 1, 2nd Alt. of the Prequalification Rules. Accordingly, the market area manager is entitled to withdraw the existing prequalification of the Bidder and to exclude the Bidder immediately if the requested consent to amended prequalification rules is not declared by the Bidder in due time.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at