Launch of KRP and VTP Portal

Trading Hub Europe GmbH has launched the capacity buy-back portal KRP and the VTP Portal.

Trading Hub Europe GmbH will launch the KRP and the VHP Portal on 2 September 2021.

In the course of the implementation project of the market area managers, intensive work was carried out on the VTP Portal. The aim was to combine the best of both worlds of GASPOOL and NCG and to create a user-friendly, intuitive and modern portal. 

Via the virtual trading point of Trading Hub Europe, balancing group managers can transfer gas quantities between balancing groups. The prerequisite for access to the virtual trading point is a valid balancing group contract, which approved balancing group managers can conclude in the THE customer portal of Trading Hub Europe. With the VTP Portal, you also have the option of submitting nominations directly to the THE Hub, regardless of your own IT systems. Furthermore, you can check your matching status here at any time.

The new VHP portal of THE can be reached here. You can request access to the VTP Portal using this form.

In addition, Trading Hub Europe will also launch the new capacity buyback portal (KRP) on 2 September. If a need for capacity buyback has been identified in the THE market area, a registered transport customer can submit his offers for the right to use his fixed, already nominated capacity in an opened tender via the KRP.

The new KRP can be reached here. Please register for the KRP independently as a new transport customer via the THE customer portal

If you have any questions, please contact the Dispatching Back Office.