Press Release

Fourth audit obligation in accordance with Section 50 of the Cooperation Agreement concluded

Berlin/Ratingen, 16 September 2024 • Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE) has completed the fourth mandatory audit in accordance with Section 50 (10) of the Cooperation Agreement. A total of 63 network operators were subject to mandatory audits in 2024, and significant and sustainable optimisation potential was identified for 28 network accounts. 4 penalties had to be imposed. 

The background to the mandatory audit is the evaluation report on the forecasting quality of standard load profiles (SLP), which was first prepared in 2019 and found that some network operators continued to have persistently high, significant and unusual network account deviations. In 2021, 2022 and 2023, 272 network accounts were already requested to be audited as part of the audit obligation. Of these, significant and sustainable potential for improvement was identified in 171 network accounts. The corresponding improvement measures had to be implemented by the network operators within one year in each case. 

Further information can be found in the summary report, which is published on the THE website. In particular, the summary report includes information on the relevant threshold values, the number of network operators contacted, the number of network operators that have identified significant and sustainable improvement potential, as well as information on the identified improvement potential and the cumulative absolute network account deviations over the last two years.