Publication of the Balancing Energy Report

THE publishes its third Balancing Energy Report for GWJ 2023/24

The present Balancing Energy Report covers the Gas Business Year (GJ) 2023/24 and represents the third report for the entire German market area, Trading Hub Europe (THE).

With regard to balancing energy volumes, GJ 2023/24 marks a shift towards a year characterized by balancing energy purchases. After two gas business years where balancing energy sales predominated and generated revenues, the costs for balancing energy exceeded revenues in GJ 2023/24, resulting in a negative balance of EUR 508.7 million. Gas price levels significantly stabilized during GJ 2023/24. Balancing energy activities showed high sales volumes in L-gas, alongside high purchase volumes in H-gas. The main cause of this was the large conversion volumes from L-gas to H-gas, with significant biomethane feed-ins further amplifying the effect.

During GJ 2023/24, the "Flexibility Service" product was merged with the SCB product, and is therefore presented for the last time in this Balancing Energy Report.

The report you can download here (german version only available at the moment).