List of entry and exit points

Trading Hub Europe GmbH publishes the THE - list of entry and exit points (valid from 1. Oktober 2021)

The market area manager (MAM) has an obligation under section 25 of the Balancing Group Contract Terms & Conditions (as amended with effect from 1 October 2021, see Appendix 4 to the Cooperation Agreement XII) to publish an overview of the entry and exit points (allocation groups "Entryso" and "Exitso") relevant to the trading of exchange products subject to specific physical delivery restrictions along with additional information on which balancing area and balancing zone as well as which physical exchange product they are assigned to.

Please refer to the sheet named "Entry and exit points" for the overview to be published under section 25. A graphical overview of the areas and zones the market area Trading Hub Europe (THE) is divided into is provided in the sheet "Area and zone overview".

Please note that the list published via this document does not take effect until the start of the market area THE, i.e. it will take effect on 1 October 2021.

In order to allow market participants an early overview of where each entry and exit point belongs, this document is published significantly ahead of the start date of the THE market area. Accordingly, the published list only represents the most recent information regarding the situation from 1 October 2021 forward available to the current MAMs and the transmission system operators (TSOs) at the time of publication. Preliminary information is designated as such; where details are missing, they will be added later once they are known. Please note that the published list may be revised at any time. If there are any changes, this will be indicated by counting up the version number in the file name.

For the purposes of the overview provided in this document it has been assumed that the cross-area virtual interconnection points (VIPs) planned on the borders between Germany and Belgium as well as between Germany and the Netherlands will be introduced by the TSOs with effect from 1 October 2021 as currently planned and that separate order books will be available for trading at these VIPs on the exchange ("VIP-specific products" within the meaning of section 25(5)). Please note that this assumption is currently still subject to a corresponding final decision to be taken by the TSOs regarding the introduction of these VIPs.

The published list generally includes bookable entry and exit points at transmission level. Points connected to distribution systems are only added if they are of relevance to the physical exchange products covered by section 25.