Special Tender Long-Term Option (RoD) February 2022

Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE GmbH) is opening a special tender for LTO (RoD)

Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE GmbH) is opening a special tender for the direction System Buy, for the product "Long Term Options" (LTO) in the product variant "Rest of the Day".




1 February 2022, 06:00 hours
to 1 March 2022, 06:00 hours

Maximum retrieval days: 14

Gas quality

High CV gas (H)



Balancing zone

HS (high CV zone “South”)

Requirement [MWh/h]


Number of lots
(1 lot = 10MW)



It should be noted that in the aforementioned special tender, the physical effect may only take place via storage connection points (Storage) and performance-measured end consumers. The possible storages in the high CV zone "South"  can be found in this overview. Insofar as further storages are mentioned in the published list of points, they are not relevant for the current tender.

For the sake of clarity, please note that the storage points given below constitute a “balancing sector” within the meaning of section 3(2), sentence 3 of our System Balancing Terms & Conditions.

The maximum number of permitted call days per lot and contract period is 14 gas days.

If you wish to respond to the above tender invitation, please submit your bids between 13 December 2021, 11:00 hours and 17 December 2021, 11:00 hours.

Please submit your bids through our Balancing Services Portal.

THE GmbH will accept bids by 20 December 2021, 12:00 hours by awarding individual contracts (“System Balancing Transaction Agreements”) for the above contract period.

The terms and conditions of the tender ("Contractual terms & conditions for balancing gas providers") as well as all other documents required for participation in the tender can be found in the download area in the section "Downloadcenter THE".

Link to the Terms and Conditions for System Balancing Actions: Terms and Conditions  for External System Balancing Actions

Link to LTO product description: “Long-Term Options“