Save-the-Date: THE customer events

Dates THE Customer events 2022

Trading Hub Europe, as Germany-wide market area manager, would like to exchange ideas in 2022 together with the balancing group managers, Balancing gas dealers and network operators and present and discuss the upcoming changes in the market and in the market area.


Please make a note of the following dates:

Customer events for balancing group managers

  • 27 April 2022: BGM event german in Berlin (incl. livestream)
  • 28 April 2022: BGM event in english (digital via TEAMS)

Customer events for balancing energy traders

  • 3 May 2022: Event for balancing energy providers german in Düsseldorf
  • 4 May 2022: Event for balancing energy providers in english (digital via TEAMS)

Customer events for network operators

  • 3 May 2022: NO customer event in Hamburg
  • 5 May 2022: NO customer event in Leipzig (incl. livestream)
  • 11 May 2022: NO customer event in Munich
  • 12 May 2022: NO customer event in Stuttgart
  • 17 May 2022: NO customer event in Essen


Registration is expected to start in April.


You will find further information and all other up-to-date information on our company website as well as on the THE-LinkedIn company account.

Due to the ongoing corona situation, a safe occurrence of the events in presence cannot currently be guaranteed. We therefore reserve the right to make short-term changes in planning.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your customer service.