Security platform gas

Data collection BNetzA

The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) started an IT-based data collection on April 21, 2022, which is aimed at all network operators and all end consumers with a size of at least 10 MWh/h (technical connection capacity) in the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area .

The aim of the data collection is to record the effects of any supply reductions or shutdowns in all sectors and companies. In the event of an emergency, the data collected should be used as part of the decision-making process of the Federal Network Agency – i.e. the individual consideration process for supply reductions for individual end consumers.

All survey data should be available on the gas safety platform in the medium term. In the event of a crisis, the data should be maintained on the gas security platform and simplify communication with the federal load distributor.

After all network operators in the THE market area had already been asked by the BNetzA to name the end consumers connected to their network (≥ 10 MWh/h), the end consumers concerned will now be asked to participate in the data collection from May 3, 2022. The invitation to participate is sent by e-mail from the BNetzA, stating an individualized link via which the data query can be accessed.

The data is collected with the support of the market area manager THE, who ensures the operation of the market area and the supply of natural gas in Germany. THE does not process the collected data for any purpose other than sending it to the Federal Network Agency as part of its role as administrative assistant and does not use this data for its own tasks. In addition, THE and the IT service provider used are contractually bound to secrecy and data deletion after transmission to the Federal Network Agency.