Capacity buyback

Amendments to the Registration Terms and GTC for Capacity Buyback (effective from 01 October 2024)

We would like to inform you that, due to the decision of the Federal Network Agency on the recognition of market-based instruments for capacity increase ("ANIKA", Ref.: BK7-23-043) of 21.03.2024, both the registration terms and the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for capacity buyback at Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE) have been amended. These changes will take effect on 01 October 2024.

The changes to the registration terms are purely editorial. We would like to point out that a new registration is not required according to § 7 Section 1 Sentence 2. However, we kindly ask all already registered transport customers to confirm their agreement with the updated registration terms within two weeks via email.

Additionally, we have amended the GTC for capacity buyback. A key change involves the physical fulfillment of capacity buyback. This can now not only be achieved by reducing the injection nomination in the upstream congestion zone, as was previously the case, but also by increasing the nomination of booked but not fully nominated exit capacities in the upstream congestion zone.

Details can be found in the updated versions available on our website:

To further enhance understanding of capacity buyback and Market-Based Instruments (MBI), we have also revised the process description, which is now available in German. An English version of the process description will also be available in our download center in a few weeks.