Press Release

Contracted storage capacities for storage year 2023/2024

Berlin/Ratingen, February 6 2023 • In order to increase the security of supply in winter 2023/2024, Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE), in coordination with the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), has contracted storage capacities for the Rehden, Wolfersberg and Katharina storage facilities for the storage year 2023/2024 on the basis of bilateral contracts.

The amount of storage capacity booked is more than 35 TWh. 35 TWh comprise about 14 percent of the total storage volume in Germany.

In the current situation, a precautionary measure with a view to the winter of 2023/2024 appears sensible and necessary to a certain extent. The booked capacities are intended to ensure that some of the volumes procured in 2022 can remain in storage. This serves to preserve options for action. The exact quantity remaining in the storage facilities depends in particular on further developments. THE will react dynamically to developments, especially the supply situation, in coordination with BMWK and BNetzA.


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Trading Hub Europe GmbH
Kaiserswertherstraße 115
40880 Ratingen (Germany)

Ina Domin
T +49 2102 59796 321