23 May 2023 balancing energy Tender LTO & SCB THE is inviting bids for the provision of balancing services in the periods indicated below in order to meet its long-term balancing requirements in the multi-quality market area Trading Hub Europe, with bids being requested for the "Hourly" product variant of the “Long-Term Options” (LTO) as well as for the product "Short Call Balancing Services" (SCB).
15 May 2023 company, BGM, events Publication of shown presentation slides THE publishes the shown presentation slides of the anual THE-Customer Events for BGM.
15 May 2023 press release Press Release Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE) sets the neutrality charge pursuant to Section 35e of the German Energy Industry Act to secure the level requirements for gas storage facilities (gas storage neutrality charge) at 1.45 EUR/MWh as of July 1, 2023.
3 Apr 2023 press release Press Release At the end of the 2022/2023 storage year, Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE) has left a total of 37 TWh of the volumes procured in 2022 in accordance with §35c EnWG in the storage facilities.
29 Mar 2023 company, events Customer Event for Balancing Group Managers Trading Hub Europe, would like to exchange ideas with you and present the upcoming changes in the market and in the market area.