4 May 2022 company SSBOs Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE) invites tenders for the SSBO product in stage 1 for a total quantity of 59,605,000 MWh, of which 20% are to be held available as a call option for THE.
4 May 2022 press release Press Release On April 30, 2022, the law amending the Energy Industry Act to introduce filling level specifications for gas storage facilities came into force. The main subject of the law are regulations for filling the natural gas storage facilities in Germany. On the basis of this law, THE is tendering SSBO for the first time.
4 May 2022 balancing energy, company, events Customer events for balancing gas suppliers THE published the slides of the shown presentations at the customer event for balancing gas suppliers on May, 4th 2022.
4 May 2022 balancing energy, company SSBOs THE is publishing the terms & conditions and the storage list.
3 May 2022 company Security platform gas The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) starts collecting data from all end consumers with a capacity of at least 10 MWh/h (technical connection capacity) in the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area.