19 Apr 2022 company SSBOs Trading Hub Europe publishes the prequalification rules for SSBO supplier for attending the tender for the SSBO-products as well as the terms of use for the tender plattform of THE.
19 Apr 2022 balancing energy Tender SCB Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE GmbH) is inviting bids for the provision of balancing services in the periods indicated below in order to meet its long-term balancing requirements in the multi-quality market area Trading Hub Europe, with bids being requested for the product "Short Call Balancing Services" (SCB). The tenders are carried out for the month June 2022 (SCB).
11 Apr 2022 company, events REMINDER: THE customer events 2022 We would like to cordially invite you to the first THE customer events. I you have not yet had the opportunity to register, you can do so now.
4 Apr 2022 company LNG Procurement As already reported, Trading Hub Europe (THE) was commissioned by the Federal Republic of Germany at the beginning of March to procure and store LNG in a volume of up to a maximum of EUR 1.5 billion.
4 Apr 2022 company Current Issue Law to amend the Energy Industry Act to introduce filling level specifications for gas storage facilities