22 Feb 2022 balancing energy Balancing gas The list for the market area Trading Hub Europe (THE) has been updated, with the new version being available for download here.
15 Feb 2022 balancing energy Tender LTO and SCB Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE) invites tenders for the long-term balancing energy requirement for the cross-quality market area Trading Hub Europe for the product "Long Term Options" (LTO) in the product variant "Hourly" as well as for the product "Short Call Balancing Services" (SCB)."
15 Feb 2022 company, events Save-the-Date: THE customer events Trading Hub Europe, as Germany-wide market area manager, would like to exchange ideas in 2022 together with the balancing group managers, RE dealers and network operators and present and discuss the upcoming changes in the market and in the market area.
14 Feb 2022 balancing energy Results Special tenders Trading Hub Europe GmbH has performed several special tenders for Long Term Options and developed an overview regarding the results.
4 Feb 2022 balancing energy, company Special Tender Long-Term Option (RoD) Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE GmbH) is conducting special tenders for the product "Long Term Options" (LTO) in the product variant "Rest of the Day" (RoD). The special tenders take place for the provision (SystemBUY) of gas quantities by the supplier.