1 Feb 2022 company, BGM Evaluation report Trading Hub Europe has published the current version of the evaluation report concerning the conversion system.
28 Jan 2022 balancing energy Special Tender Long-Term Option (RoD) Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE GmbH) is conducting a special tender in the period from 14.02. - 16.03.2022 for the product "Long Term Options" (LTO) in the product variant "Rest of the Day" (RoD).
25 Jan 2022 balancing energy Tender balancing gas Tender for the provision of balancing services in the market area Trading Hub Europe for the product Flexibility Services – Summer 2022
25 Jan 2022 balancing energy Tender SCB Trading Hub Europe is inviting bids for the provision of balancing services in order to meet its long-term balancing requirements in the multi-quality market area Trading Hub Europe, with bids being requested for the bilateral product “Short-Call Balancing Services” . The tender is carried out for the month March 2022.
14 Jan 2022 balancing energy Special Tender Long-Term Option (RoD) Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE GmbH) is conducting special tenders for the product "Long Term Options" (LTO) in the product variant "Rest of the Day" (RoD). The special tenders take place for the provision (SystemBUY) of gas quantities by the supplier.