17 Aug 2021 balancing energy FAQ balancing gas, market-based instruments and capacity buy-back Publication of FAQ balancing gas, market-based instruments and capacity buy-back
17 Aug 2021 balancing energy Tender LTO Trading Hub Europe GmbH is inviting bids for the provision of balancing services in the period indicated below in order to meet its long-term balancing requirements in the multi-quality market area Trading Hub Europe, with bids being requested for the “Rest-of-the-Day” (RoD) and "Hourly" product variant of the “Long-Term Options” (LTO) product.
10 Aug 2021 balancing energy Tender SCB Trading Hub Europe is inviting bids for the provision of balancing services in order to meet its long-term balancing requirements in the multi-quality market area Trading Hub Europe, with bids being requested for the bilateral product “Short-Call Balancing Services” (SCB).
22 Jul 2021 press release Press Release Keep in Balance AG (KIB AG) – a wholly owned subsidiary of Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE), has been appointed as the Balancing Entity in Austria by E-Control, the Austrian regulatory authority.
20 Jul 2021 balancing energy SCB September 2021 Trading Hub Europe (THE GmbH) is inviting bids for the provision of balancing services in order to meet its long-term balancing requirements in the multi-quality market area NetConnect Germany, with bids being requested for the bilateral product “Short-Call Balancing Services” (SCB).