15 Jun 2021 balancing energy Tender Balancing gas FLEX Tender for the provision of balancing services in the market area Trading Hub Europe for the product Flexibility Services - Winter 2021/2022
13 Jun 2021 balancing energy List of entry and exit points Trading Hub Europe GmbH to publish an overview of the entry and exit points (allocation groups "Entryso/Exitso") relevant to the trading of exchange products for the market area THE.
3 Jun 2021 balancing energy Tender Market Maker Invitation to tender for the provision of market-making services at the Virtual Trading Point for the second half of 2021.
2 Jun 2021 press release Press release: Hello from Trading Hub Europe Trading Hub Europe GmbH with offices in Ratingen and Berlin began operations on 1 June 2021. THE came about through the merger of the former market area managers GASPOOL and NetConnect Germany.
1 Jun 2021 press release Press release: Launch of the Trading Hub Europe website 1 June 2021 saw the launch of the new website of market area manager Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE), which is available at www.tradinghub.eu.