Security Platform Gas

Trading Hub Europe provides a digital platform – the Security Platform Gas – for the purpose of processing measures according to section 1a “Gassicherungsverordnung” (GasSV) and solidarity measures according to section 2a “Energiesicherungsgesetz” (EnSiG).

The Security Platform Gas offers the Federal Network Agency in the role as the Federal Load Distributor the opportunity to get in contact with market participants and to make decisions on necessary load reductions in the event of a gas crisis. The Security Platform Gas provides the following functions depending on the user’s market role: master data maintenance, submission and data administration of market locations as well as the submission of data and gas quantities in the event of a gas crisis or solidarity.

According to section 1a (2) GasSV the balancing group managers and final consumers with a technical connection capacity of at least 10 MWh/h are obliged to register on the Security Platform Gas. The registration form is available on the homepage of the Security Platform Gas.

Further information on the functionalities can be found in the user guides provided here.

If you have any questions regarding the technical or functional aspects of the Security Platform Gas please contact the department Customer Relations. 

Please address content-related or regulatory questions to the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) via the following email address:

The Security Platform Gas can be accessed here.