Publication of the SLP balancing neutrality account

According to the GaBi Gas 2.0 ruling, the market area manager is obliged to set up and publish two separate balancing neutrality accounts for SLP and RLM exit points.

The monthly balances of the balancing neutrality accounts are initially published on a provisional basis (the relevant lines are highlighted with a dark grey background) approximately five working days after the end of the respective month. Please note that the preliminary data will change as the final data is available.
The final balances are published after the final data has been submitted. 

Costs and revenues arising in connection with the SLP quantity reconciliation process, external system balancing transactions (to the extent attributable to the SLP balancing neutrality account) and other costs and revenues in connection with the balancing activities performed by the market area manager (to the extent attributable to the SLP balancing neutrality account) are booked to the SLP balancing neutrality account. The balance of the SLP balancing neutrality account is determined from all the aforementioned revenues and expenses recorded.

Please note that at the time the final SLP balancing neutrality account balance is published, not all items relevant to the SLP balancing neutrality account have yet been finally settled. As a result, there may be subsequent changes to the published status of the SLP balancing neutrality account due to circumstances originating in prior periods.

SLP balancing neutrality account