Fees and neutrality charges 

In this section, the market area manager publishes its current fees and charges. 

RLM balancing neutrality charge

According to GaBi Gas 2.0, an RLM balancing neutrality charge is levied to cover the expected shortfall from the balancing actions and imbalance quantities. This balancing neutrality charge must be borne by balancing group managers serving RLM exit points. 

The RLM balancing neutrality charge applicable from 1 October 2023 is 0 EUR/MWh.

The RLM balancing neutrality charge applicable from 1 October 2024 is 0 EUR/MWh.


SLP balancing neutrality charge

According to GaBi Gas 2.0, an SLP balancing neutrality charge is levied to cover the expected shortfall from the balancing actions and imbalance quantities. This balancing neutrality charge must be borne by balancing group managers serving SLP exit points. 

The SLP balancing neutrality charge applicable from 1 October 2023 is 0 EUR/MWh.

The SLP balancing neutrality charge applicable from 1 October 2024 is 0 EUR/MWh.


VTP fee

Following the ruling of the Federal Network Agency (ref. BK7-11-003), the market area manager has been entitled since 1 October 2011 to charge a fee for the use of the Virtual Trading Point.

The VTP fee is due for each nominated transfer of gas quantities at the Virtual Trading Point and is payable by both the acquiring and the disposing balancing group managers.

The Federal Network Agency requires the market area manager to set the amount of the fee to cover the costs incurred directly and indirectly through the Virtual Trading Point. 

 The VTP fee valid from 1 October 2023 is 0.00142 EUR/MWh.

The VTP fee valid from 1 October 2024 is 0.00198 EUR/MWh.

Conversion fee (H-L)

According to the "Konni Gas 2.0" ruling of the Federal Network Agency (BK7-16-050), the market area manager is entitled to charge an incentive-based conversion fee for the conversion from high CV gas to low CV gas.

There is no fee for the conversion from low CV gas to high CV gas.

The conversion fee applicable from 1 October 2023 is 0.21 EUR/MWh.

The conversion fee applicable from 1 October 2024 is 0 EUR/MWh.


Conversion neutrality charge

In order to cover the costs incurred by the market area manager in the multi-quality market area following the conversion measures, the market area manager may levy a conversion neutrality charge. The conversion neutrality charge can be levied on all physical input quantities introduced into a balancing group on a given day.

The conversion neutrality charge valid from 1 October 2023 is 0 EUR/MWh.

The conversion neutrality charge valid from 1 October 2024 is 0 EUR/MWh.


Gas storage neutrality charge

The background to the survey is the amended Energy Industry Act, which provides for filling level specifications for gas storage facilities.

The gas storage neutrality charge from 1 July 2024 is 2.50 EUR/MWh. The charge from 1 January 2025 on is 2.99 EUR/MWh.


Biogas neutrality charge

Following the amendment of Section 20 b of the Gas Network Charges Ordinance (GasNEV), a nationwide biogas neutrality charge was introduced with effect from 1 January 2014.

Pursuant to Section 7 of the Cooperation Agreement ("KoV"), as amended, in conjunction with the Best Practice Guidelines for the Implementation of the Pass-Through Mechanism for Biogas Costs, Trading Hub Europe publishes the specific biogas pass-through amount that is applicable across Germany. This amounts to 0.6250 €/kWh/h/a in calendar year 2021. The biogas pass-through amount is charged in addition to the transportation tariffs at exit points to the TSOs’ directly connected final consumers and downstream network operators. Exit points to storage facilities as well as cross-border and market area interconnection points are not taken into account.

The nationwide biogas neutrality charge for the calender year 2024 will be 0.8381 EUR/kWh/h/a.


Gas quality switchover neutrality charge

The gas quality switchover neutrality charge is passed through across all networks nationwide in accordance with section 25 of the Terms and Conditions for Entry/Exit Agreements and section 10 of the Cooperation Agreement and is levied at all exit points in addition to the transportation tariffs. Exit points to storage facilities as well as cross-border and market area interconnection points are not taken into account.

The specific Gas quality switchover neutrality charge for the market area switchover in 2024 is 0.6711 €/kWh/h/a nationwide.

The specific Gas quality switchover neutrality charge for the market area switchover in 2025 is 0.6713 €/kWh/h/a nationwide.

The total announced nationwide costs for market area conversion are estimated at 203,942,701.14 € for the calendar year 2024. The total announced nationwide actual costs for market area conversion are 226,278,104.60 € for the calendar year 2022.