Balancing group managers

Balancing group managers

REMIT & Further Transparency Information

In this section, Trading Hub Europe publishes REMIT-relevant as well as further transparency information. 

According to Art. 4 (1) of Regulation EU No. 1227/2011 (REMIT), Trading Hub Europe in its role as market area manager is obliged to publish insider information. According to Art. 2 (1) REMIT, insider information is information of a precise nature which is not publicly known, which directly or indirectly concerns one or more wholesale products and which, if it were publicly known, would be likely to have a significant effect on the prices of such wholesale energy products. 

Insider information shall be deemed to include, without limitation, information that is required to be publicly disclosed under Regulation EU No 715/2009 or –- by virtue of legal or administrative provisions at EU or national level –- to be published, to the extent that it is likely to have a significant effect on the prices of wholesale energy products. 

In addition to the listed insider information, Trading Hub Europe publishes further information on its website.
Relevant information in the form of press releases can be found here. For further REMIT-relevant information, please visit the Newsroom

The processing of allocation data and/or the transfer to the balancing group manager can be temporarily disrupted due to unforeseeable technical problems. According to section 26 of the balancing group contract, the market area manager is obliged to inform the relevant balancing group managers of any such disruptions in an appropriate way.

In addition general renomination restrictions and local balancing gas is published here. 

REMIT & Transparency

From date

Extraordinary balancing gas requirements

From date