Information and services for providers of balancing gas and/or services

Services and information for providers of balancing gas and/or services are provided below.

Access to balancing market

In its capacity as market area manager, Trading Hub Europe procures the gas quantities required for external system balancing in the market area in accordance with the Gas Network Access Ordinance (GasNZV) and the GaBi Gas 2.0 ruling. In addition to the exchange-based system balancing actions and the system balancing actions in adjacent market areas, Trading Hub Europe uses a bidding platform for these purposes. 

Participation in the bilateral balancing market requires the market participant to prequalify and conclude system balancing transaction agreements with the market area managers.   

Approved balancing group managers can prequalify at any time for the Trading Hub Europe market area, while bidder groups cannot prequalify. Further information along with a full description of the access requirements for the bilateral balancing market can be downloaded here

For further questions, please contact Dispatching, VTP-Management

Contractual terms

The contractual terms & conditions for providers of balancing gas and/or services can be found here.

For further questions, please contact Dispatching, VTP-Management

Publications on balancing gas and/or services

Article 25 of balancing group contract

Trading Hub Europe trades gas-quality-specific products on the exchange to physically balance any imbalances in its market area that require gas of a specific gas quality.

When Trading Hub Europe trades gas-quality-specific products subject to physical fulfilment restrictions on the exchange, including products traded in a specific gas quality (high or low CV gas), products traded with regard to a specific network area or a specific balancing zone (local products), or products relating to a specific entry or exit point (network point-specific products), the disposing or acquiring balancing group manager is obliged – if these products are offered – to cause a physical effect in accordance with section 25 of the balancing group contract.

In these cases, Trading Hub Europe relies on its counterparty to cause a physical effect in the gas quality traded at any point within its market area so that it can ensure the stability of the networks within the market area.

To illustrate the applicability of section 25 of the balancing group contract from Trading Hub Europe’s perspective, a number of basic case studies have been compiled in an implementation guide


Invitations to tender for balancing services

Information on current and past invitations to tender for balancing services can be found here.

For further questions, please contact Dispatching, VTP-Management

Procurement model

Information on the procurement model can be found here.

For further questions, please contact Dispatching, VTP-Management