Security Platform Gas - Data collection by Federal Network Agency (BNetzA)

The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) starts collecting data from all network operators and end consumers with a capacity of at least 10 MWh/h (technical connection capacity) in the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area. 

The data collection is carried out to collect information for the event of a gas gas deficit situation, in which case the BNetzA, in its role as national supply coordinator, decides who will receive how much gas. The IT-based Security Platform Gas is intended to provide this information for a weighing-up decision in a specific individual case.

BNetzA collects data with the support of the market area manager THE. THE does not process the collected data for any purpose other than transmitting it to the BNetzA as part of its role as an administrative assistant. THE does not use this data for its own tasks. In addition, THE and the IT service provider are contractually bound to secrecy and data deletion after transmission to the BNetzA.

The data collection starts on April 21, 2022 by email by sending an individual link for data queries. In a second step, all end consumers with a technical connection capacity ≥ 10 MW are asked to participate in the survey. This is also done by e-mail by sending an individual link and is expected to start on May 2nd, 2022. 

Further information on participating in data collection will be published on this page if required. Information on the background of the data collection can be found on the BNetzA website:

If you have any questions, please contact the Customer and Contract Management team at THE. Technical questions about participation in the data collection are answered directly by the employees of THE on behalf of BNetzA. Technical questions about data collection are forwarded by THE to the BNetzA, which answers these questions.


Download Documents

(Documents available only in german language)

Form Data collection

Instruction Data collection