SSBO providers - generell informations

In accordance with section 35a of the German Energy Industry Act, Trading Hub Europe contributes to upholding supply security by taking appropriate measures. Section 35b of the Energy Industry Act stipulates certain fill levels that have to be met by certain dates. In order to ensure supply security, Trading Hub Europe conducts market-based, transparent and non-discriminatory public tenders under section 35c (1) (“tier 1”) for the procurement of appropriate volumes of strategic options for the availability of gas (so-called “Strategic Storage-Based Options”, abbreviated to “SSBO”) so that the stipulated fill levels can be reached. If the injection activities of gas storage users along with SSBO tenders under section 35c (1) are not sufficient to meet the requirements set out in section 35b, section 35c (2) authorises Trading Hub Europe to conduct additional SSBO tenders (“tier 2”) or to buy physical gas and inject it itself (“tier 3”). Trading Hub Europe only takes these measures subject to authorisation by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action acting with the consent of the German Federal Network Agency. 

Details on SSBO tenders conducted by Trading Hub Europe are published  here.  

Details on the terms and conditions applicable to SSBO tenders are published here

Trading Hub Europe is currently working to expand the information provided on its activities relating to supply security and will update this page accordingly.