Balancing group managers

Balancing group managers

Press Releases

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Gas storage neutrality charge as of July 2024

Berlin/Ratingen, May 21, 2024 Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE) is setting the charge levied under Section 35e of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG) to help meet storage targets (gas storage neutrality charge) at 2.50 EUR/MWh from 1 July 2024.

The whole press release is available here

THE to restructure management as of July 2024

Berlin/Ratingen, February 14, 2024. Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE) will make changes to its management effective July 1, 2024. Dr. Thomas Becker and Jörg Ehmke will step down from THE's management at this time.

the whole press release is available here.

the announces gas storage neutrality charge

Berlin/Ratingen, 16 November 2023 Trading Hub Europe GmbH (THE) set the neutrality charge under §35e of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) for the purpose of securing the filling level requirements for gas storage facilities (gas storage neutrality charge) starting from January 1, 2024, at 1.86 EUR/MWh.

the whole press release is available here.

trading hub europe records strong increase in trading activities

berlin/ratingen, october 6, 2023. two years after the establishment of the allover-german market area trading hub europe (the), the churn rate for h-gas has surpassed the four-point mark for the first time.

the whole press release is available here.

trading hub europe completes third round of reviews pursuant to section 50 of the cooperation agreement

berlin/ratingen, 11 september 2023. trading hub europe gmbh (the) completes the third audit obligation in accordance with section 50, item 10 of the cooperation agreement (kov). 

the whole press release is available here.

publication of fees and neutrality charges as of october 2023

berlin/ratingen, 17 august 2023 trading hub europe gmbh (the) publishes the fees and neutrality charges for the period starting on 1 october 2023. the slp and rlm balancing neutrality charges as well as the conversion neutrality charge have each been set at 0 eur/mwh. there will be no distribution of surpluses in any of the accounts. for the conversion from h-gas to l-gas, the market area manager will reduce the conversion charge to 0.21 eur/mwh, while the vtp fee will be reduced to 0.00142 eur/mwh. 

the whole press release is available here.

the launches annual vtp consultation

berlin/ratingen, june 12 2023 • from june 12, 2023 to june 23, 2023, trading hub europe gmbh (the) conducts the market consultation on the virtual trading point (vtp) of the market area. the basis for the market consultation is the decision of the federal network agency of august 23, 2011, which, among other things, provides for an annual market consultation on the vtp services offered. the aim of the market consultation is in particular to ascertain customer satisfaction.

the whole press release is available here

gas storage neutrality charge from july 2023 at 1.45 eur/mwh

berlin/ratingen, may 15, 2023 trading hub europe gmbh (the) sets the neutrality charge pursuant to section 35e of the german energy industry act to secure the level requirements for gas storage facilities (gas storage neutrality charge) at 1.45 eur/mwh as of july 1, 2023. 

the whole press release is available here

the informs about storage activities

berlin/ratingen, april 3, 2023 • at the end of the 2022/2023 storage year, trading hub europe gmbh (the) has left a total of 37 twh of the volumes procured in 2022 in accordance with §35c enwg in the storage facilities. against this background, as well as because of the relatively high storage levels for the current season and the existing market incentives for filling the storage facilities, no ssbo tenders are currently planned by the. 

the whole press release is available here

contracted storage capacities for storage year 2023/2024

berlin/ratingen 6 february 2023  in order to increase the security of supply in winter 2023/2024, trading hub europe gmbh (the), in coordination with the federal ministry of economic affairs and climate action (bmwk) and the federal network agency (bnetza), has contracted storage capacities for the rehden, wolfersberg and katharina storage facilities for the storage year 2023/2024 on the basis of bilateral contracts. 

the whole press release is available here

